When disaster strikes, the Red Cross will be there for people when the worst happens, no matter who they are or where they’re from. In any emergency – like those in Morocco and Libya – every second counts, and we must be ready to act immediately. People need relief and help to recover after a disaster. We provide urgent aid to support them, including:

-first aid
-food, clean water and shelter
-cash to buy essentials like warm clothing and medicine
-emotional support

Your generous donation will help us respond to disasters in the UK and around the world including armed conflict, climate emergencies like wildfires, flooding and drought, and natural disasters including earthquakes and tsunamis. Where buildings like hospitals are destroyed, we fill the gaps so people can still receive critical medical care. When the trauma of losing a home tears families apart and leaves communities reeling, we listen to what they’re going through, and help them move forward. And after any disaster our teams stay there for as long as they’re needed.

Thank you for anything you can afford to give today to help our disaster response – your kindness is greatly appreciated.

Your donation


Where your money goes

Your donation will be used to help people in crisis across the world. For more information visit https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/disaster-fund

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Thank you so much for your donation. The platform charges a 3.2% transaction fee + 20p. An additional 1.5% is charged if you pay in a currency other than Pound Sterling (GBP).


Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.


The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card

Your privacy

The British Red Cross is committed to privacy and will use personal data for the purpose it was collected or other legitimate purposes we tell you about: for example, to provide goods, services or information you have requested or to administer donations or services we provide. We may also analyse data we collect to better understand the people who support us or those who use or deliver our services. Sometimes this means us combining that data with information from reliable public sources. Our research allows us to tailor communications and services in a more focused and cost effective way, as well as better meeting your needs and the needs of others like you. However, we will never do this in a way that intrudes on personal privacy and will not use your data for a purpose that conflicts with previously expressed privacy preferences. For full details about how we use personal data, our legal basis for doing so and your privacy rights, please see our privacy notice at redcross.org.uk/privacy. To change your cookie settings,please .