Namibia: Drought

For the past decade, Namibia has faced a prolonged drought, which has been further exacerbated by the ongoing El Niño phenomenon in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. The El Niño conditions have resulted in most of the country experiencing below-normal rainfall from October 2023 to April 2024, leading to more than 1,4 million people experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity and urgently needing assistance to address food shortages and protect their livelihoods.

Please donate now and join us in making a meaningful difference for the 140,000 people supported by the Namibia Red Cross Society in this response.

To view the emergency appeal and more information on this emergency,visit the emergency page on

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If you have any queries or concerns regarding donations, please do not hesitate to contact the donation team by email

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The IFRC is an international organization based in Switzerland. Depending on the country(ies) where you have your tax residence, you can contact the relevant tax authorities to determine whether your donation to the IFRC is deductible.

You can also contact your local Red Cross or Red Crescent Society to see if donations to them are tax deductible​.